365 Projects In 365 Days

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So, I bought AC/DC tickets ($250.00 later - insert rolling eyes here) for Justin for his 16th b-day and 15 minutes before the outdoor concert is to start this is what is happening outside. Super nice day all day and no rain in the foecast. Go-figure!!!!


darlin said...

Tammy, I'm sure rain or not that the show will be amazing, they must take into consideration that it might rain or worse yet snow... you just never know here in Alberta!
I hope that Justin still has a good time, rain or not!

darlin said...

I heard that it was still a fantastic concert! Did Justin have a good time?

Tammy (Scrappy and T) said...

He had an awesome time .. he said even though their were soaked it rocked!!!

darlin said...

Right on, that's what Terry said as well. Once I seen a few videos on UTube I regret not going myself!

Tammy (Scrappy and T) said...

there is a video ..

I'm sure they put on awesome concert .. I should have gone with him

darlin said...

What were we thinking? lol There are lost of pirated clips on Utube, some are pretty good!

Cindye Wile said...

awesome b'day gift ...regardless of weather i bet it was AWESOME

Paola said...

I'm so glad he had a great time.
That was an awesome gift!!!
Our cousins went they got soaked but loved it.